Veganism and the Environment


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Meat, Dairy & Eggs

You might not know it, but a significant shift is occurring within the medical community, with an increasing number of doctors advocating for plant-based diets, due to their profound health benefits and potential to prevent and manage chronic diseases. A recent article in The Independent reported on doctors calling for the UK government to stop promoting meat and dairy as essential for health. They argue that such recommendations are misleading and do not align with the latest scientific evidence.

Did you know that the Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of The World Health Organisation (WHO), has emphasized the necessity of transitioning to plant-based diets to improve both human health and environmental sustainability? He pointed out that food production, particularly animal agriculture, is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions and the global burden of disease​.

And did you also know that two of the largest and most respected nutritional organizations, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the British Dietetic Association, affirm that vegan diets are suitable for all stages of life? These include pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and older adulthood, and they can provide all necessary nutrients if properly planned​, just like all diets.

Health Benefits

Cardiovascular Health: Studies have consistently shown that plant-based diets are linked to lower blood pressure, reduced cholesterol levels, and a decreased risk of heart disease. A comprehensive review of 48 studies found that vegetarian and vegan diets are associated with significantly lower risks of heart disease, gastrointestinal, and prostate cancers​.

Cancer Prevention: Plant-based diets, rich in antioxidants, fiber, and phytonutrients, have been shown to reduce the risk of various cancers. The review highlighted that these diets are associated with a reduced risk of metabolic diseases and cancers due to their impact on key health markers like blood pressure and cholesterol​.

Diabetes Prevention: a vegan diet improves insulin sensitivity due to the high fiber content, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. It also tends to have a lower glycemic load, promoting stable blood sugar. Additionally, plant-based diets are associated with better weight management, reducing the risk of obesity—a major risk factor for diabetes. They are low in saturated fats and rich in anti-inflammatory foods, both of which improve metabolic health and reduce insulin resistance. Studies, including the Adventist Health Study-2 and EPIC-Oxford, support these benefits, showing significantly lower diabetes risk among those following a vegan lifestyle.

Many people might, understandably, be sceptical about switching to a plant-based diet, especially if their general practitioners (GPs) have traditionally recommended meat for iron and dairy for calcium. However, it is worth remembering that many regular GPs receive minimal nutrition training—often only about 24 hours throughout their entire education.

One major example of the ignorance of doctors is, as we’ve just mentioned: dairy. It’s no coincidence that the countries with the highest dairy consumption also have some of the highest rates of osteoporosis. I know, right? How can this be, when doctors are so vocal about dairy being essential for bone health?

Absorption Issues: While dairy products are rich in calcium, the human body does not efficiently absorb it. According to Harvard Health, only about 30% of the calcium in dairy is absorbed by the body. The consumption of all animal protein, be it dairy, meat, or eggs, causes your body to leach calcium from your bones, which is then excreted through urine. This is because animal protein is too acidic for our bodies. Because of this, it has to find a way to neutralize that acidity and fast, and our bone density is the cost, putting people at higher risk of developing conditions like osteoporosis and developing sometimes fatal fractures in later life.

It can feel so scary, having lived your whole life believing in one thing, believing in the knowledge of certain individuals, only to be told something completely contradictory. You feel betrayed, confused. We get it. Every vegan has been there, and it is indeed terrifying. But these are the very real facts, and very real consequences of consuming meat and other animal products.


Most people tend to think of fish as a healthy choice, one with significant nutritional benefits such as omega-3 fatty acids. However, what few seem to know is that eating fish can actually have a detrimental impact on your health:

Contamination with Heavy Metals and Toxins:

Mercury: Fish, especially large predatory species like tuna, swordfish, and sharks, can accumulate high levels of mercury. Mercury exposure can lead to serious health issues, including neurological and developmental problems, particularly in pregnant women and young children.

Plastic Compounds and PCBs: Fish can contain plastic compounds and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which are industrial chemicals linked to cancer and other serious health problems. These contaminants enter the food chain through pollution and can accumulate in fish tissues.

Hexachlorobenzenes (HCBs): HCBs are persistent organic pollutants found in fish that have been associated with liver disease, immune system dysfunction, and reproductive issues.

Farmed Fish Health Issues:

Disease and Parasites: As we’ve already stated, farmed fish are often prone to diseases such as anemia, lice infestations, infectious diseases, and even chlamydia. These conditions can spread to wild fish populations and pose a risk to human consumers.

Use of Antibiotics and Chemicals: To manage disease and parasites, farmed fish are frequently treated with antibiotics and other chemicals. Overuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria, posing a significant public health risk.

Artificial Coloring: Farmed salmon are fed synthetic astaxanthin to give their flesh the desired orange/pink color, which raises concerns about the additives and chemicals used in their feed.

Nutrient Imbalance:

Omega-3 vs. Contaminants: While fish are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health, the contaminants present in fish far outweigh these benefits. Algae, the producers of omega-3 fatty acids, provide these nutrients without the associated risks of consuming fish.

Waste and Environmental Toxins:

Waste from Fish Farming: Fish farms produce significant amounts of organic waste, equivalent to that of large towns, contributing to water pollution and the spread of toxins in aquatic environments. This pollution can also affect the safety and quality of fish intended for human consumption.

So What’s The Alternative?

By choosing not to buy animal products, you actively withdraw your support from these cruel industries. It's a powerful demonstration of your principles.

And you might say, "What difference does it make if I stop buying them? I’m just one person, that won’t make a difference." This scepticism isn’t uncommon, but remember, social change is driven by individuals. It always has been. And each time you choose a plant-based alternative over an animal product, you contribute to a growing force that pressures industries to move away from their reliance upon animal suffering. The prevalence of vegan options in supermarkets, fast food chains, cafés and restaurants is proof that this shift is happening. And, eventually, we will see a society where vegan foods are the norm, and animal products are few and far between. And you can play a very real part in making that happen
even sooner.

Moreover - you’re not even missing out, because everything you enjoy eating can be made vegan. Yes, really. Everything.

You might be daunted at the thought of change, at first. It’s natural. We all are, and it can be hard to know where to start, and you might even think this is all well and good, and you get it, but you just can’t to devote the time to it. But, the truth is, with so many resources and alternatives available now, transitioning to a vegan lifestyle has never been easier, or quicker.

Challenge 22 is just one of the many free, online challenges that will help you transition to a vegan lifestyle, but what’s special about them is you’ll have over a dozen vegan mentors available to help you at any given time and suggest recipes and alternatives, and there’s even a nutritionist on hand to give expert advice - it’s completely FREE. So give it a go!

Health Objections, Answered

”Humans are natural omnivores."

Humans are actually anatomically closer to herbivores than omnivores. Our closest living relative, the chimpanzee, consumes plants almost exclusively, with them making up over 97% of their diet. These animals suffer from far fewer diseases than humans and possess strength far superior to ours. Plus, our teeth, jaw movement (in the sense that we grind our food with our teeth, as opposed to rip and swallow), and incredibly long intestines are designed to process plant-based foods. Unlike true omnivores and carnivores, we lack sharp claws and have a far less acidic stomach, which makes digesting meat far more difficult than it is for, say, a lion to.

"We have canine teeth."

Human canines are small and blunt, better suited for biting into fruits and vegetables rather than tearing flesh. Many herbivores, like gorillas and hippos, have far bigger canines but primarily eat plants, proving canines are not exclusive to meat-eaters.

"Our ancestors ate meat, so we should too."

Early humans consumed meat opportunistically rather than as a dietary staple. Modern nutrition science shows that a vegan diet provides all necessary nutrients, offering health benefits and reducing the risk of many chronic diseases. Besides, we have moved on in so many ways since then. Just because our ancestors did something, it doesn’t make it morally right, does it? Our ancestors also kept slaves, owned wives like property and hung people for their sexuality - should we have continued to do all those things?

"Humans need animal protein for muscle growth."

Plant proteins are more than sufficient for building and maintaining muscle. Many athletes and bodybuilders thrive on plant-based diets, as seen in the documentary Game Changers, demonstrating that plant proteins provide all necessary amino acids. Studies show that vegans often have greater stamina and faster recovery times than most meat-eaters.

"Vitamin B12 can only be obtained from animal products."

Vitamin B12 is actually produced by bacteria, not animals. Animals are frequently injected with B12 themselves, so by not eating them, you’re simply cutting out the middle man, as well as a whole host of harmful things. B12 is readily available through fortified foods, like vegan milk, cheese and supplements.

"Humans have always hunted and eaten animals."

Historically, animal consumption was a survival strategy. Modern humans now have access to supermarkets, where there are a variety of plant foods that meet all our nutritional needs. Plus, it’s healthier, more sustainable, and ethical.

"Our digestive system is designed to process meat."

While humans CAN digest meat, it struggles to do so. As stated in the information above, the consumption of any animal protein causes your body to leach calcium from your bones, because it is too acidic for us. Also, our long intestines and less acidic stomachs are, scientifically-speaking, more suited for a plant-based diet. A lion, by comparison, has much shorter intestines, so that the meat is digested quickly. In humans, it takes a long time to break down. This is linked to numerous health issues, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

"A vegan diet lacks essential nutrients."

Any individual’s poor dietary choices can lead to poor health - it has nothing to do with the diet itself - particularly if the person following it lives on only chips and lettuce leaves. But a varied diet rich with animal product alternatives, grains, fruit and vegetables provides all essential nutrients, including protein, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins.

Vegan Doctors

And don't just take our word for it that veganism is best—trust the health professionals who’ve analyzed the data!

Plant Based Health Professionals UK (PBHP UK) offers a wealth of resources advocating for whole food plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine to prevent and treat chronic diseases while supporting planetary health.

Key Resources:

Educational Materials: Dive into free health factsheets that offer detailed insights into the benefits of plant-based diets, watch engaging health videos, and be inspired by real patient stories of health transformations.
Professional Development: Participate in online courses and conferences designed to deepen your knowledge of plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine.
Practical Guides: Access a variety of plant-based recipes to make healthy eating easy and delicious, embark on a 21-day health challenge to kickstart your plant-based journey, and explore a plant-based athletes playbook for optimizing performance and recovery.

For more detailed information, visit PBHP UK.

Dr Chidi Ngwaba Talks About How A Vegan Lifestyle Can Reverse Leading Diseases

Dr Minil Patel Talks About Vegan Fitness

Dr Nitu Najekal Talks About Veganism and Women’s Health

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Dr. Michael Greger

Dr. Michael Greger, a world renowned physician and public health expert, passionately advocates for plant-based nutrition to prevent and reverse chronic diseases. His compelling work encourages readers to embrace a vegan lifestyle for better health and longevity.

How Not To Die

"How Not to Die" explores how a plant-based diet can prevent and treat the leading causes of premature death. Greger provides evidence-based insights and practical advice to inspire readers to make healthier dietary choices.

How Not To Die Cookbook

The "How Not to Die Cookbook" complements Greger’s first book by offering delicious, easy-to-follow plant-based recipes. These recipes are designed to maximize nutrition and support a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.

Vegan Athletes

Discover how many of the world’s top athletes are excelling on a vegan diet at "Great Vegan Athletes."
The site features inspiring stories and achievements from vegan powerlifters, runners, cyclists, and more.

Learn how a plant-based diet fuels their bodies, debunking the myth of vegan malnutrition. Whether you’re an athlete yourself, or just curious, this site will show you how veganism supports peak performance and optimal health. Below, you’ll find just a handful of great examples.

Seba Johnson, vegan from birth, made history as the first Black woman to compete in the Winter Olympics, representing the Virgin Islands in alpine skiing at age 14 in 1988. Johnson also competed in the 1992 Winter Olympics and is known for her advocacy for animal rights and environmental causes, maintaining her vegan lifestyle throughout her athletic career.

Nimai Delgado is a vegan IFBB pro bodybuilder, engineer, and health coach. Raised in a Hindu family, he transitioned from vegetarianism to veganism in 2014. Nimai began competing in 2015, earning his pro card in 2016. He advocates for veganism, debunking myths about plant-based diets and muscle growth, using his platform to inspire and educate others.

Cheavon Clarke is a professional boxer who competes in the cruiserweight division. He represented Jamaica in the 2014 Commonwealth Games and later switched to represent Great Britain, winning silver at the 2017 European Championships and bronze at both the 2018 Commonwealth Games and the European Games. Clarke turned professional in 2022 and has maintained an unbeaten record, most recently capturing the British cruiserweight title in May 25, 2024​.

Lisa Gawthorne is a renowned vegan athlete and duathlon champion. Representing Team GB, she has won gold at both the European and World Duathlon Championships in 2023. Additionally, she secured a British Masters title in the 3000 meters. Lisa has been vegan for over 20 years, attributing her enhanced athletic performance and energy levels to her plant-based diet​.